Being an emerging healthcare specialty, oncology centers are high in demand, Modcon has standardized design and implementation for such facilities partnering with international companies and brands.
We are building the NMC Al Khoud Oncology Center in Muscat Oman, one of the first Cyberknife facility in the country. We specialize in radiation therapy projects featuring Cyberknife, TomoTherapy, Varian TruBeam, and Elekta Synergy and Gamma Knife systems.
Radiation therapy is one of the most effective and widely used modalities for the treatment of cancer. Facilities in which radiation therapy machines are installed are complex and must be precisely constructed to meet the requirements of the radiation equipment manufacturer as well as the radiation shielding designer. Radiation shielding is provided by massive concrete bunkers, at times supplemented with lead brick or high density aggregate block. HVAC, process cooling, and electrical requirements are complex and must meet rigid specifications.